I'm running Joplin 2.3.5 (prod, linux) on Linux Mint 20.2.
When I check for updates in Joplin, it says v2.4.2 is available.
And when I run the command line wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/laurent22/joplin/dev/Joplin_install_and_update.sh | bash, I get this message
You already have the latest version 2.3.5 installed.
I'm relatively new to Linux, so am I missing something in the update process ?
That checkbox (assuming you mean the one in Joplin settings) has nothing to do with the script. It's for downloading updates from Joplin and I don't think this update method works on Linux at all.
Double check that it is enabled to run as a program. If not, it will not run and nothing will happen when you double-click on it. Also if you have set up a link to run it, make sure the link has the right name in it.
Ah ! This syntax seems to work. Thanks.
I'm also using a bash script for the update, and I didnt know where to put the --prerelease thing. I'll see at the next prerelease how it goes.