Joplin Server Documentation

Thanks for the reply. Below are a few questions I would have if I were a new user of Joplin Server who had no idea what Docker was. I think the documentation could be improved by helping answer some of these questions and fill in the gaps.

  1. The first line reads "First copy .env-sample to .env and edit the values in there:"

    • Where is .env-sample?
    • Where do I copy/place the .env file?
  2. "To start the server with default configuration, run:"

    • What is Docker?
    • How do I install Docker?
    • Where is the URL to Docker's website?
  3. "A sample docker-compose file is available to show how to use Docker to install both the database and server and connect them:"

    • What is Docker Compose?
    • How do I download and install Docker Compose?
  4. "Setup reverse proxy"

    • From my limited understanding about Joplin Server, this step is actually not required if you're only running the server on your local network. The language is confusing in that it reads like setting up a reverse proxy is required for the solution.
    • It would be great to include the required apache/nginx config files
  5. "Once the server is exposed to the internet, you can open the admin UI and get it ready for synchronisation. For the following instructions, we'll assume that the Joplin server is running on"

    • From what I understand, when you install Joplin Server without the reverse proxy, you reach the server using the following URL: http://[hostname]:[port]/login. I think there are opportunities to document all possible URLs and how they apply.

There is also existing documentation around Joplin Server that I think would be very helpful to integrate directly into the website if it is not already. E.g. Share notebooks and collaborate on them using Joplin Server 2.0