How to indent like a pro without making it formatted text?


I want to indent my text paragraphs but as you know indent makes it formatted, I looked at the docs, it talks about lists with paragraphs but tha tis not wanyt i want either. I want a regular blick of text that is indented just below another line of text.


Have you tried using “block quote”? Just add a “>” at the very beginning of the paragraph you want indented.

You can use &nbsp; or &#160; for spaces. <br> is there for line breaks.

I tried that but it only indents the first line :frowning: I want to be able to indent many paragraphs as easy as possible

I think your only option is to use HTML along CSS. For example that should work:

<div style="margin-left: 10px">My indented paragraph.</div>

If you want to do something more fancy you can also assign a class to this div block and use the user-style.css file to apply the margin (see the doc for info on how to use custom CSS)

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Thanks , I think that might work,

Ok that works except that the text is not wrapped (for insatnce keeps going for a long time as a single line). Is it possible to make the text also wrap inside the visible borders?


With a <div> it does this? Could you post an example note that shows the problem?

See this please. As you see it is wrapped in the editor but not in the final rendering of the text.

The actual note

<div style="margin-left: 10px">

    A _bind mount_ is an alternate view of a directory tree. Classically, mounting creates a view of a storage device as a directory tree. A bind mount instead takes an existing directory tree and replicates it under a different point. The directories and files in the bind mount are the same as the original. Any modification on one side is immediately reflected on the other side, since the two views show the same data.
    For example, after issuing the Linux command


Still the same problem - indentation is for code in Markdown. If you don’t want code, you need to remove the indentation:

<div style="margin-left: 20px">
A _bind mount_ is an alternate view of a directory tree. Classically, mounting creates a view of a storage device as a directory tree. A bind mount instead takes an existing directory tree and replicates it under a different point. The directories and files in the bind mount are the same as the original. Any modification on one side is immediately reflected on the other side, since the two views show the same data.

For example, after issuing the Linux command

Also “_” is not supported. You might want *bind mount* or **bind mount** instead.

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Sure but here is the issue,

I need to have a line and a paragrap indented below, so the paragraph just belongs to that line type thing

Basically I want my lines to look exactly like this when rendered (with many paragraphs sometimes)

You just want the paragraphs to look like that, yes?

Just like @laurent suggested use <div style="margin-left: 4em"> or alternatively use <p style> and after the paragraphs </div> or </p>.

If you want all the paragraphs/lines in a document to start with the indentation then simply add <style> body {margin-left: 4em;}</style> at the top of the page.

Adjust px or em according to your taste.

Don't use spaces before the text though. The style part will take care of that.

div style

div style

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Ok that was it I think.

Originally I was recommended to use <div style="margin-left: 10px"> and that did not work for me the way I ws looking for like in the pic

I was thinking that using html stuff would escape the markdown rendering, apperantly not

px is pixel size, em is the font size. Em works better in your case I suppose.

HTML does negate markdown in some cases. I think <p> would have. Apparently div doesn’t, good to know. You learn something new everyday.

Good luck with your work.

thanks, I learned couple new stuff today as well

I tried blockquotes but it kind of formats and intends whole paragraph, unlike the original post I'd like to intend just the first line is there any way for that?
Thanks in advance.

Text indent in CSS is where I'd start. I believe it is only the first line by default. CSS text-indent property

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