How to compile iOS app

After the latest changes building the iOS app fails. Is there something we have to do? Did the compile process change?

Here’s the error I get:

$ react-native run-ios
warn The following packages use deprecated "rnpm" config that will stop working from next release:
  - react-native-push-notification:
Please notify their maintainers about it. You can find more details at
error React Native CLI uses autolinking for native dependencies, but the following modules are linked manually:
  - rn-fetch-blob (to unlink run: "react-native unlink rn-fetch-blob")
This is likely happening when upgrading React Native from below 0.60 to 0.60 or above. Going forward, you can unlink this dependency via "react-native unlink <dependency>" and it will be included in your app automatically. If a library isn't compatible with autolinking, disregard this message and notify the library maintainers.
Read more about autolinking:
info Found Xcode workspace "Joplin.xcworkspace"
info Launching iPhone 11 (iOS 13.3)
info Building (using "xcodebuild -workspace Joplin.xcworkspace -configuration Debug -scheme Joplin -destination id=EB47F3FC-4115-422F-B813-D1B88854A36A -derivedDataPath build/Joplin")
error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. To debug build logs further, consider building your app with, by opening Joplin.xcworkspace. Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.
User defaults from command line:
    IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/tessus/data/work/joplin/ReactNativeClient/ios/build/Joplin

note: Using new build system
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
error: /Users/tessus/data/work/joplin/ReactNativeClient/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Joplin/Pods-Joplin.debug.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "Joplin" in project "Joplin") (in target 'Joplin' from project 'Joplin')
error: /Users/tessus/data/work/joplin/ReactNativeClient/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Joplin/Pods-Joplin.debug.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "Joplin" in project "Joplin") (in target 'Joplin' from project 'Joplin')
error: /Users/tessus/data/work/joplin/ReactNativeClient/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Joplin/Pods-Joplin.debug.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "Joplin" in project "Joplin") (in target 'Joplin' from project 'Joplin')
error: /Users/tessus/data/work/joplin/ReactNativeClient/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Joplin/Pods-Joplin.debug.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "Joplin" in project "Joplin") (in target 'Joplin' from project 'Joplin')


Try to delete node_modules, then ios/build and try building again.

You might have to run pod install from the “ios” directory too, although I think that should be automated. If it’s not we should add this to