Highlight selected note item in the note list panel

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Joplin version


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Hi, I'm looking to change the background color of selected note item in the note list panel. Currently the light themes do not provide enough contrast for me, I can't see easily which notes are selected. I could find some css codes to change the background color of note list items. But they only apply for non-selected notes. Would anyone know how to change the background color of selected notes? I have attached a screenshot. Note 1 and 5 are selected, while 2-4 are non-selected. And I would like to reverse their colors - highlight the selected notes 1 and 5 red.

.note-list-item {
    background-color: red; /* Background color for non-selected notes */


This should work:

.note-list-item > .content.-selected {
  background-color: red !important;

Amazing, that works well! Thanks