Hide the name of the pasted image? 2

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Joplin 3.0.13

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Joplin Server


Rich Text Editor

What issue do you have?

I asked this question before and I cant find a solution. This issue pollutes my notes like crazy when I have a lot of images in my notes. And sometimes syncing messes things up and prints the same name over and over again (like the other person's issue)

It was mentioned that this could be a rich edit issue but I am not sure, I have been using it for a long time. This started happening like couple versions ago.

It would be nice if no image name is printed at the bottom of the image.

Someone else pasted their screenshot with the same issue

The previous time you posted about this there was a reply that stated:

Are you saying that with plugins disabled the image name still appears?

I am using the Rich Markdown, not sure how that disabling that solves my problem. I can't use it if it is disabled.

True, but if the problem does not occur when the Rich Markdown plugin is disabled then an issue can be raised with the author of the plugin.

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It does not look like this is a rich editor issue.

Here I pasted an image in the regular mark down editor edit mode, then I switch to markdown viewer, it is still there. As you can see the name of the image is still at the bottom of the image,, I never changed to the rich editor

It has not been suggested that this is due to the Rich-Text Editor (Joplin's built-in WYSIWYG note editor). It is being suggested that this may be happening due to a feature of the Rich Markdown plugin that adds features to Joplin's Markdown Editor, or even a different "enhancement" plugin. Putting the image name under an image and adding "Fig. 1" is not something that Joplin itself does. Please list the plugins you have installed. (Help > About > Press Copy Button > Paste in this thread)

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