Guide for Joplin-Server on Raspberry Pi

Hi everybody, a happy joplin-server user here. :slight_smile:

My Joplin server is running on RasperryPi 4/4g behind a proxy handled by an apache2.
I'm also using pg as db storing.
I'm syncing with Linux desktop and an Android v11 clients.
Every thing is well, not even using the marvelous guide up there. I mean it's a docker version coming from florider89/joplin-server supposing the right version for RP.
I usually run it by this :

git pull ; sudo docker pull florider89/joplin-server
sudo docker run -d --net=host --add-host=host.docker.internal: --env-file .env -p 22300:22300 florider89/joplin-server

Just missing some kind of a sudo systemctl joplin start and sudo systemctl joplin enable to make start after reboot. Any help to do that ?
Thanks for your comments and tips !