Repository: GitHub - khuongduy354/joplin-sync-lib
Download blob: getBlob(id, outputDirPath) download resource blob to specified path,
Update blob data: updateItem() will update blob data if flagged and provided local blob path
Enhances features:
- Remove pagination
- Items of type note must have a parent_id
- Manual set fields: item.overrideItemId, item.overrideCreatedTime allows users to set these fields (ids, timestamps) instead of auto-generated ones in createItems()
- getItemsWithMetadata(): return ids, and also deleted remote items are returned if provided allIdsItemsHandler()
- Typing: items types for API and tests
I decided to split the E2E check method, and verifySyncInfo method, also exposes all functions to receive a e2eInfo object for different uses.
Synchronizer.e2eInfo saves all local E2E states, user can set it with setupE2EInfo(). This method checks for remote E2E setup, and only allow setting if client & remote matches (in terms of on/off, ppk). Before running every operations, this method is run by verifySyncInfo(); therefore, E2E must be setup properly or else the operations will be aborted.
If encryption is enabled (e2eeInfo.e2ee === true), Synchronizer will encrypt automatically in CREATE, UPDATE operations.
For decryption, there's a masterkey in e2eeInfo, that users can use with DecryptionWorker for decryption
Unit tests added:
- Encryption setup tests (divided in 4 cases)
- Encryption in CREATE, UPDATE tests
- Blobs CREATE, READ, UPDATE tests
How data is currently encrypted by Joplin
- Given an item, encrypt all of its data into a string, and insert it into item.encryption_ciphertext field., item.type_ are visible fields (unencrypted), to extract full data, users must use DecryptionWorker with correct password to decrypt the ciphertext
- Expose Sync API initialization method for sync target to work without client application.
- Add default helpers to quickly create common used objects: notes, folders, resources,...
- Fix: types error when build, blob data encryption
- Implement Joplin Server sync target
- Provide better documentations
- Locks currently not release when thrown: in unit test, if previous test failed, lock isn't released, causing the next test fail to acquire lock.