I have some visual challenges, and i wonder if there’s a way to change the text and background colors in Joplin? I know about the dark/light setting, but the dark setting gives me white text and my eyes can’t take that either.
Recently 2 more themes were added, and will be available in the next release.
You can see them here
OMG! these are EXACTLY what i need! it would help so much with my vision issues! When is the next release?
There is no firm release schedule, this will probable be available some time in the next couple of weeks I would imagine.
@laurent is there a way you could push this out a bit earlier?
It should be available soon but indeed there’s no schedule.
thank you.
That theme will be available in the next release
awesome! thank you so much!
related: did i somehow make the background of the notebook sidebar black? or is it normally that color in Joplin? I’m having trouble seeing the scroll bar because of it. Anyone know how to get that color back to default or changed?
I have the same problem. Anyone know how to get the color of the notebook sidebar changed?