Sure, I only thought of giving further ideas.
I should be more concise, to decide when you insert the citation might be the favorable implementation with the option to change it afterwards. As you are working on some inline citation styling this could be an option to implement it somehow. Reserving one style for only inline citations.
Another minor thing, is it possible to search for the citekey? I am and probably many others are very used to this, as writing in Latex the citekey is displayed for the insertion of a citation.
For future ideas:
Some fields like the Zotero URI are for sure not included in any official .csl file. The only option therefore is to properly edit a file to get it displayed. While, if you'd provide a textbox with some simple editing guidelines to choose from bibtex fields and with the use of the markdown syntax anybody can build their custom citation style. I believe this is quite a bit of work. The other option is to have this as a template layout for a full reference note.
The one thing that I care the most here, is actually the Zotero URI and probably quite some other users too. It seemed like Zotero is the most used software (BibTeX Plugin: Survey - #4 by xUser5000).