We use a custom build of highlight.js that only include some languages: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/tree/master/ElectronClient/app/gui/note-viewer/highlight
The list is this one:
- apache
- go
- bash
- shell
- javascript
- ini
- coffeescript
- ruby
- sql
- java
- http
- perl
- xml
- cpp
- json
- cs
- nginx
- markdown
- css
- python
- objectivec
- php
- diff
- makefile
If someone wants to build a new custom package and include AutoHotKey or any other language I can merge it. See here to build the package: https://highlightjs.org/download/
For the record, the list above can be obtained by searching for registerLanguage(".*"
in the highlight.pack.js file.