Android sync to Onedrive error

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.0.15 (prod, win32)

Client ID: 624a615bf59b4943b7e5f7200ebe8a5c
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 598677b

Backup: 1.4.1

Sync target


What issue do you have?

I have been using Joplin for about 3 weeks now with Android & Windows 10 syncing through OneDrive. Today, Android had a sync fail-safe conflict and said all my notes would get erased.

  1. Ever since the start, my notes went to the /Apps/Graph directory (not /Apps/Joplin). It doesn't bother me, as long as it works.
  2. Today I got the "Last error: Fail-safe: Sync was interrupted because 100% of the data is about to be deleted" on my Android phone.
  3. I restarted phone, and tried sync again.. same error.
  4. Some articles said to re-install, so I deleted Joplin app & reinstalled it.
  5. Now, it won't sync to my existing "/App/Graph". It creates a new folder with the 5 default notes in "/App/Graph 1". So, won't sync with desktop app now.

Any ideas how I can get the Android app to sync again to "/App/Graph" ?
Or other ideas how to get everything configured correctly ?

Thank you.

I'm seeing the same issue with clients on Windows and IOS (x2) syncing to Onedrive.
Error message on all clients "Sync was interrupted because 100% of the data (598 items) is about to be deleted.".

To get around it quickly, I did the following (basically rebuilt the whole thing):

  1. Export all the notes (in jex file format)
  2. Created a new profile on the desktop
  3. Imported all the notes to it (which created "/App/Graph 2" on OneDrive)
  4. Confirmed it was all there
  5. Sync'ed it with Mobile phone
  6. Erased "/App/Graph" from OneDrive

Although, the sync does seem a little flaky. It'd be nice to figure this out, so we can prevent it in the future and/or resolve it in a better way.

Same here. Couldn't sync because of error "Fail-safe: Sync was interrupted because...100% deleted". Sync didn't work on any of devices. Now i am restoring from backup, forced to send all notes to remote and second dir "Graph 1" was created on oneDrive.

It sucks because this infobox is so small that i could miss it for few days, and now i have to check notes manually. It is not what sync should look like.

Also for last few days i had a lot of "conflicts" on notes that i only edited on one device. It may have something to do with this syncproblems.

I encountered the same problem. It was all working fine before, the only difference is that I recently upgraded the version of the app, first on ios and then on macOS. I don't know what's going on, I looked at ondrive and why it always creates new sync backup folders instead of the previous one, if I didn't do a local attachment download backup, all my attachments would be lost! ! This is terrible, as a note-taking software, synchronization is the core, I really want to know what is going on, yes of course I can re-import and then synchronize, but do I need to do this again every time I upgrade the app? ? I'm very anxious and hope to get a definite answer and solution

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