Android: Exiting note editor doesn't stop voice typing

Operating system


Joplin version


What issue do you have?


Exiting note editor stops voice typing.


Exiting note editor doesn't stop voice typing.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Configuration > Note > Preferred voice typing provider > Vosk (although I expect this bug is reproducible with Whisper too).
  2. Edit a note.
  3. Tap top-right menu button, then tap Voice typing....
  4. Edit note with voice typing.
  5. Tap or gesture back to return to note preview.
  6. Tap or gesture back to return to the note lists.
  7. Return to edit any note, then tap top-right menu, then tap Voice typing.... The voice typing container will show a Error: Vosk is already recording message and speech doesn't get converted to text.

Thank you for reporting this!

I'm linking to a related pull request: