Temporary File & Reminders

Had an idea for an interesting feature that I believe would work well with Joplin.

We all take notes and they start to add up. It takes a bunch of time to sort through these notes. To remove old ones like that shopping list from last month or the seven things I need to get in NYC.

Imagine a feature you could enable for some or all of your notes that marks it as a temporary note. Along with this setting would be a time period you specify (with a default set). Let's say 2 months.

After the time period is up, you can choose what Joplin does with those notes. It could:

  • move them to a stale folder
  • auto delete stale notes
  • other ideas here

The feature could be a checkbox or button or option you can trigger that flags the note as temp (depending on platform). Start a new note, enable temp note and write our your shopping list. Watch it go poof in 2 weeks.

In terms of training, you could have Joplin on desktop open a dialogue box the first time someone enables a temp note.

You've made this note temporary! We will %action% this note in %insert time set here% for you. You can disable temp note for this note or change the time period in the settings.


You've made this note temporary! We will destroy this note in 2 weeks for you. You can disable temp note for this note or change the time period in the settings.