Operating system
Joplin version
Desktop version info
Joplin 3.1.24 (prod, win32)
Client ID: ed7e66f67ac04b5a85e38fdd8347d9d9
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: No
Revision: d581264
Inline tags: 1.3.0
Quick Links: 1.3.2
Rich Markdown: 0.15.1
Templates: 2.4.0
Sync target
File system
What issue do you have?
I have Joplin installed on windows and on a linux desktop, syncing the two instances via FS sync ( I sync to a directory , then I sync the directory via git due to some weird polices on the windows machine).
Now I want to add a android phone to the mix.
Should all the 3 joplin instances use the same sync target, or I can mix them, so one machine uses webdav, and the others use FS sync ?
my idea is to put a one of the git targets under sync with webdav, so I can point the phone to it.