Pre-release 1.4 is now available for testing (Updated 23/11/20)

Thanks, @laurent. Super helpful. This is what I deserve for not writing up my build notes from way back when when I figured out how to do these things the first go around. I will write something up for myself this time. :slight_smile: As for not supported. Yeah, that is why never said anything in the past. It's a niche use case. If only I knew javascript better than I do ... :slight_smile:

Cheers. -t

Bug report: joplin failed to monitor changes in external editors @laurent

I noticed two special log lines: ExternalEditWatcher: Watched note has been deleted: undefined

I can confirm that this local file must exist

After a simple elimination method, I found that this problem only occurs after installing Joplin for the current user. . . JoplinPortable everything is normal

The modification of the attachment resource does not seem to take effect. I modified the text content in a txt attachment resource and clicked Sync, but the resource on OneDrive has not changed. Is there a way to know what step went wrong?

Update record markdown file on OneDrive


Thanks for the report, that will be fixed from the next version.

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External editing is broken (at least in Typora). It open the editor, but does not detect (and discards) any editing changes done outside Joplin.
P.S. Sorry, I did not read all the thread - similar issue has already been reported above on a different editor

This bug is already fixed and should be available in a future release

v1.4.11 is now available! This release is becoming massive, but other than maybe a few more bug fixes I think we're getting there. No plugin or API breaking changes in this new version, but two features marked as deprecated - see below for the full list.

Breaking Changes:

  • If you use the Clipper API, please note that there are a few breaking changes in this version. See this link for more information:
  • Plugins: now returns an object instead of the button ID that was clicked. So for example instead of getting just "ok", you will get { "id": "ok" }. This is to allow adding form data to that object.


The following features are deprecated. It will still work for now but please update your code:

  • Plugins: All create() functions under joplin.views now take a viewId as a first parameter.
  • Plugins: MenuItemLocation.Context is deprecated and is now an alias for MenuItemLocation.NoteListContextMenu
  • Plugins: The app_min_version manifest property is now required. If not provided it will assume v14.
  • Plugins: The id manifest property is now required. If not set, it will be the plugin filename or directory.

Plugin doc has been updated with some info about the development process.

  • New: Add config screen to add, remove or enable, disable plugins
  • New: Add option to toggle spellchecking for the markdown editor (#4109 by @CalebJohn)
  • New: Plugins: Add command "editorSetText" for desktop app
  • New: Plugins: Add support for JPL archive format
  • New: Plugins: Add support for external CodeMirror plugins (#4015 by @CalebJohn)
  • New: Plugins: Added command to export folders and notes
  • New: Plugins: Added support app_min_version property and made it required
  • Improved: Upgrade to Electron 10
  • Improved: Allow exporting conflict notes (#4095)
  • Improved: Api: Always include 'has_more' field for paginated data
  • Improved: Api: Make sure pagination sort options are respected for search and other requests
  • Improved: Attempt to fix Outlook drag and drop on Markdown editor (#4093 by @CalebJohn)
  • Improved: Disable spell checker on config and search input fields
  • Improved: Disabled the auto update option in linux (#4102) (#4096 by Anshuman Pandey)
  • Improved: Optimized resizing window
  • Improved: Plugins: Make sure "replaceSelection" command can be undone in Rich Text editor
  • Improved: Plugins: Rename command "editorSetText" to "editor.setText"
  • Improved: Prevent lines from shifting in Markdown Editor when Scrollbar appears (#4110 by @CalebJohn)
  • Improved: Put title bar and toolbar button over two lines when window size is below 800px
  • Improved: Refresh sidebar and notes when moving note outside of conflict folder
  • Fixed: Display note count for conflict folder, and display notes even if they are completed to-dos (#3997)
  • Fixed: Fix crash due to React when trying to upgrade sync target (#4098)
  • Fixed: Fix size of search bar area when notebook is empty
  • Fixed: Fixed issue when a newly created note would be automatically moved to the wrong folder on save (#4038)
  • Fixed: Fixed note list overflow when resized very small
  • Fixed: Plugins: Fixed issue with dialog being empty in some cases
  • Fixed: Prevent log from filling up when certain external editors trigger many watch events (#4011)
  • Fixed: Regression: Fixed external edit file watching
  • Fixed: Resource links could not be opened from Rich Text editor on Linux (#4073)

  • Fixed: Api: Fix note and resource association end points
  • Fixed: Fix drag and drop behaviour to "copy" instead of "move" (#4031 by @CalebJohn)
  • Fixed: Fix handling of certain keys in shortcut editor (#4022 by Helmut K. C. Tessarek)
  • Fixed: Fixed inconsistent note list state when using search (#3904)
  • Fixed: Fixed issue with note being saved after word has been replaced by spell checker
  • Fixed: Fixed text editor button tooltips
  • Fixed: Plugins: Fix crash when path includes trailing slash
  • Fixed: Regression: Fix application name
  • Fixed: Regression: Fix exporting to HTML and PDF
  • Fixed: Tags could not be selected in some cases (#3876)
  • Improved: Allow lowercase filters when doing search
  • Improved: Change Markdown rendering to align with CommonMark spec (#3839)
  • Improved: Make Markdown editor selection more visible in Dark mode
  • Improved: Plugins: Allow retrieving form values from dialogs
  • Improved: Plugins: Force plugin devtool dialog to be detached
  • New: Add {{bowm}} and {{bows}} - Beginning Of Week (Monday/Sunday) (#4023 by Helmut K. C. Tessarek)
  • New: Added toolbar button to switch spell checker language
  • New: Adds spell checker support for Rich Text editor (#3974)
  • New: Allow customising application layout
  • New: Api: Added ability to watch resource file
  • New: Api: Added way to get the notes associated with a resource
  • New: API: Adds ability to paginate data (#3983)
  • New: Plugins: Add support for editor context menu
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I cannot open the Joplin window on the desktop, even though it exists in the Windows window preview. . . @laurent

Maybe I missed that info in the docs, but I was looking for it.

So how does the Install plugin button work? Do I have to select the dist directory? And how does the .jpl format look like? Is it a tar of the dist dir?

Wow, crazy notes! Awesome that you got the plugin UI in. Will check it out in a bit

It works for me on Windows. Is there any error in the log or console?

This button is only to install .jpl files, which will be the preferred distribution format. You can still drop a complete plugin directory in the "plugins" profile folder, and it should show up in the GUI.

And how does the .jpl format look like? Is it a tar of the dist dir?

Yes, a tar of the dist directory. It is built automatically if you use the Yeoman generator.

I cannot open the window, so I cannot see the log. . .

It's a bit strange that joplin can be opened normally in the laptop at home. . .

In addition, joplin v1.4.11 still did not save after modifying the attachment, I am not sure what the problem is. @laurent

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a txt attachment
  2. Modify some content
  3. Save and close
  4. Switch to other notes
  5. Switch back
  6. Open the txt attachment, still the original attachment content

Below is the log of the console

@rxliuli, I cannot replicate this issue, nor did I know there was a problem with it before. Does it show the orange banner on top when the file is being edited?

Yes, an orange banner will be displayed

How do you open the resource? Is it from the app or via the API?

Through the Joplin app, here is a demo GIF @laurent


log.txt (11.1 KB)

Thanks, I'll check that again. Maybe it's Notepad saving the file in a strange way?

I tested VSCode and the results were the same. I suspect it is related to Joplin's file listener, but I did not conduct in-depth testing. I will enter the database level when I have time.

Regarding this point, I finally used the split screen of Windows to redisplay it. It shouldn't be the problem of Joplin itself. It may be that I accidentally moved the window out of the window or other invisible unknowns.