Plugin: Many enhancement for my daily usage [v1.2.0][2023-03-30]

Thanks for the update, @SeptemberHX

The list token rendering, is a good improvement. And the improvement to "Enable inline link, image, and footnote rendering in markdown editor"

If it was possible, without difficulty, to render the alternative marking styles for <mark> and <ins> in markdown editor, it would be very good?

<ins>test text</ins>

++test text++


<mark>mark this</mark>

==mark this==

Do you mean render ++text++ and ==text== like <ins> and <mark> instead of still showing the ++ and == characters?

Yes, @SeptemberHX, that is what I mean. These are options available from Joplin Options > Markdown Menu, as mentioned in the table here.

It's likely some users may have many notes using this syntax instead of the HTML tags directly.

v1.1.2 is published.

  • New:
    • PlantUML rendering support in markdown editor
    • Floating toolbar with highlighting in different colors when selecting any text. You can disable it in settings
    • Rendering markdown table to editable table in markdown editor
  • Change:
    • Double click the rendered block contents to edit them (math block, code block, etc.)
    • Allow showing image caption or not in settings
    • The opacity of admonition keywords is set to 0.3 for better reading
  • Fix:
    • sequenceDiagram rendering bugs #12
    • todo item attributes rendering bugs

Table Rendering:

Floating toolbar:


Some great additions! :slight_smile:


New: Automatically correct list numbering when editing lists.

2023-03-03 15.28.55



  1. New: render --- as a horizontal line in markdown editor
  2. Fix:
    1. Fix list number auto correcting bugs
    2. Fix wrong link icon

If this plugin's search & replace feature is already open and I switch notebooks, Ctrl+F opens the native find bar.

Hi @SeptemberHX,

Joplin 2.14.19 (prod, linux)

Three weeks ago, I realized that the table column colorization feature wasn't working.
Upon investigating the issue, I discovered that I had two different plugins installed for the same functionalities, table colorize:

  1. Markdown Table: Colorize by hieuthi
  2. Joplin Enhancement by you

Initially, I suspected there might be an incompatibility between these plugins, so I tested them individually.
However, even with only one plugin enabled at a time, the functionality still didn't work as expected.

I've already checked the Joplin forum, but nobody seems to have reported a similar problem.
Do you happen to know if there might be compatibility issues with my userstyle.CSS, other plugins, under a CodeMirror6, or any other factors?

Note: I've already informed hieuthi, the developer of the "Markdown Table: Colorize" plugin, about this issue.

This plugin has not been tested or adjusted to support CodeMirror 6 yet. Can you check the developer tools -> console for any error messages?

Before testing using developer tools -> console. Based on, I read about a problem with Table colorize plugin when the new opt-in editor Beta is enabled..
That you can read at Desktop pre-release v3.0 is now available (Updated 22/03/2024) - #3 by HaSTe
I've made some testing after disabling editor Beta option :

  1. With both plugin, Table colorize plugin + enhance plugin = some tables are colorized while others only stay colored for the first 2 seconds.
  2. Enable only Table colorize plugin = works on all tables without any issues.
  3. Enable only Enhance plugin = No color showing in any table.

Attached, you can find the output of the developer tool console when testing the point 3.
I'm not sure if this is sufficient to identify the error. Thank you.

Log Enhance plugin.txt (119.7 KB)

Hey I really :heart: your plugin. I was wondering if there is a way to latch a keyboard shortcut to your icon that toggles both side panels with one click?