Introducing rabeehrz (A.K.A Mohammed Rabeeh)

Merged with Original Post

Continuing my introduction,

My main domain of interest is Web. I’ve been doing Web for around 5 years now and have a pretty good grasp of web concepts. I apply those concepts to every project I work on and that helps me design good software as I go. I have experience with HTML/CSS, Javascript, PHP, Python, C/C++ and a bit of Java and I’ve worked with frameworks like Django, Node and ReactJS. I do a bit of Flutter development as well.

I’ve started fixing small issues. I have two PRs that are open and are under review. I did implement
Notebook Icons in Joplin Desktop, but that was scrapped for now and I will continue it when there is a proper framework for handing dialogs. You can find the PR here.

I’m mainly interested in working with 3 projects:

  1. Support for multiple profiles
  2. OCR support
  3. Custom keyboard shortcuts

I’m researching the best way to implement these projects and I’ll be doing the discussion for the same on their respective forum topics.

P.S I couldn’t edit my original post for some reason, therefore, posting the update by a comment.