Hi @giteshsharma,
These are interesting ideas. It’s hard to judge, an image of a UI is not a UX. Therefore just a few general remarks and questions from my side.
- Not only the UI is different, but seemingly also the data structure. Can a note have subnotes, and can a subnote have subsubnotes, like ‘pages’ in OneNote? How deep can you go?
- I like the idea of moving the horizontal button bars to vertical ones. But should they all go to the left side? It could be more practical and/or intuitive to have the navigational and viewing functions left, and the editing functions right.
- The sidebar and note list share the same column; you can toggle which one is visible. It can be practical in some circumstances, but I don’t want to give up the option to see them both together, as in the current interface.
- What would the AllNotebooks view look like? Would expansion of a (sub * n)notebook also show the notes on that level? For me that would be too much, but some people like it. (An interesting question about the organization of a notebook collection: should you allow yourself to store any notes in a notebook that also contain subnotebooks?)
- Is every tab a dual-pane frame (editor / viewer / editor+viewer / wysiwyg)?
Actually it would be nice to play with a mock-up of alternative designs.