Desktop pre-release v3.2 is now available (Updated 13/01/2025)

will all your notes be saved and restored when you uninstall and then re-install?

I have the installation issue with Joplin-Setup-3.2.5.exe as well on Win 11. The upgrade doesn't work. Uninstall->install worked.

I'd like to report that the OneNote Importer doesn't seem to work properly in 2.3.5 Windows. I imported a notebook zip file with 7 sections, only 6 sections were imported, with missing pages too.

The web clipper shows constantly "Connecting to the Joplin application..."

no log file shows up

After restart: still fails.
I did not try uninstall - concerned about important data being deleted.
There are no Joplin files in Program Files. I see install files in AppData\Local\Programs\Joplin, but again I'm reluctant to uninstall. OTOH, I see others here reporting that it works, so...

Could you provide an example OneNote file that shows the problem?

Could you clarify for us what happens to the data files and plugins if you run the uninstaller and then install a new version? Will all of the data/settings be preserved?

All your plugins and data files will be preserved even if you uninstall the app. They are in a separate folder in your user folder

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Thanks! I uninstalled the app and the 3.2.5 install worked fine. All the data are there.

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I did the uninstall (3.2.3) and install (3.2.5) and all is well now. As far as I can see all notes and settings were preserved.

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Same Here. Uninstall then Install preserved existing notes. Thank You


  • Improved: Keep comments when rendering Markdown to allow rendered note metadata (#11530)
  • Improved: Updated packages @rollup/plugin-node-resolve (v15.2.4)
  • Fixed: Rich Text Editor: Fix resized images in lists break sub-list items (#11532) (#11382 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
  • Fixed: Fixes #11508: Prevent installer from recognizing itself as a running instance of Joplin and switch back to electron-builder v24 (#11541)

3.2.6 installed fine for me. Thanks for figuring out the problem and fixing it, and for continuing to make improvements in the app.

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3.2.6 portable rocks, fixed the issue: mermaid.min.js missing on Note Export to PDF; saves null fil


  • Improved: Plugins: Add Toast plugin API (#11583) (#11579)
  • Updated translations


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  • Improved: Remove "URI malformed" alert (#11576) (#11575 by Self Not Found)
  • Fixed: Fix keyboard can't add text after certain error/info dialogs are shown (#11603 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
  • Fixed: Links from imported notes from OneNote were being wrongly rendered (#11618) (#11617 by @pedr)
  • Fixed: OneNote Importer should only use text on fallback title (#11598) (#11597 by @pedr)
  • Fixed: OneNote imported notes have broken links when there are chineses characters on link (#11602) (#11600 by @pedr)
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There is now a new version that should have a fix for the Windows installation issue. If you could not previously install version 3.2, please could you try with the latest one and let us know if it's working now?

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