Any suggestions on how to name the new Joplin Server?

I thought about that as well, but it's already taken:

A Joplin synchronization server could be abbreviated to Joss.
There might be a confussion with the journal of open source software (, but that should not be that bad, it's quite in a different domain.
There is a joss library in Go, but I don't know what it does (

Edit: another option would be Jopiter. I could not find this as a software name, has the two initial letters from Joplin, and Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, which can, somehow, suggest the idea of a central synchronization server.


A few terms associated with SJ:

  • Maple
  • rag
  • Sting
  • Elite
  • Synco

I'm inclined to include a reference to "joplin" in the name as well.

  • jopsync (Joplin Sync Service)
  • jopnote <= music! (Joplin Note Sync)
  • jopshare
  • jop-sync (and other dashed variations)
  • syncjo

But, if a name like 'scott' is OK.

  • ragtime (Joplin Ragtime Sync)
  • maple-leaf
  • ragsync <= yuck

Of all these, I like jop-note, jop-sync, and ragtime. "Ragtime" works for me because a person searching for "ragtime sync" would more likely find Joplin, and ragtime is synonymous with Joplin.


jopsync or jop-sync seems the most self explanatory, with a relatively high probability of not being already used elsewhere.

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derivative of cakewalk: milkrun

Jopache. Well, that looks like "Jop-ake" instead of "Jop-atchy" so maybe not. :slight_smile:

What about "Music Store"?

I like that "jopsync" is quite short but the issue is that the server will do more than just syncing. In particular it will be possible to share notes or collaborate on notebooks.

I guess that's the issue with self explanatory names, and also the problem I have with just "Joplin Server" - they are rarely self explanatory enough, and might make users think the software does less than it actually does.

That's a good point and indeed a benefit of having "Joplin" in the server name. But if needed we can solve this with documentation too. For example by adding "(Joplin-specific server)" new to the name or add some description below the selection field.

However they are the product. Many different clients connect to them, they are not linked to any specific software in order to access them.

Yes, but it's good to have separate names for separate things I feel, then we immediately know what we're talking about. Otherwise we are like - "Use "Joplin server" - no, not the one bundled with the desktop app which is also a server, but the separate one that's used for sync". That's a long sentence to tell what you are talking about. While if we use a completely different word, then there's no ambiguity, it's just one word.

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In light of these very pertinent observations, Joggler could be the name of the service/server that is able to do both storage of synchronized notebooks but also other, different tasks, such as the notebook collaboration you mentioned. "Joggling" refers to the combination of running and juggling - so it's both about endurance and abilities, and the word starts with "Jo", just like Joplin.


I can see your train of thought. But ...

Rather than just the server name I am looking at this more as the Joplin project in general. I suppose I am conditioned by other publishers to expect some kind of "ecosystem branding" for all products that can work together. Admittedly this normally takes the form of the over-arching company name, so it's "Google Docs", "Google Mail", "Google Calendar", "Affinity Photo", "Affinity Designer", "Affinity Publisher" etc. etc. This also means that they then have the ability to use simple, generic sub-names (is that a thing?) without causing confusion. They could never use just "Mail", "Calendar", "Publisher". So if Joplin is going comprise more than one product I am just suggesting that using names such as:

  • Joplin Sync Server
  • Joplin Share
  • Joplin <insert function here>

... is clearer and indicates they are linked through both their functionality and publisher rather than, say:

  • Scott
  • Ragtime
  • Mapleleaf

I feel that over time, especially when providing support, there may be posts like, "I searched for Mapleleaf but it does not appear to be at any more." (publisher confusion)

This just applies to the product's full name. As @tessus says, the binary or service could be something different and far more concise, such as "scott", "jsync", "jshare", "joggler" or whatever, and more suitable to more technical support / debugging such as "/etc/systemd/system/jshare.service shows as active but not running and..."

I must make it clear I am more than happy to accept whatever you want to use. Just throwing in ideas and doing that "devil's advocate" thing again. Feel free to ignore! :slight_smile:

And if Joplin ever evolves into something with a commercial aspect I can see "Joplin Shareā„¢" or even "Joplin Jogglerā„¢" but not "Scottā„¢" or "Ragtimeā„¢"...



In the spirit of collaboration and jazz; jam-session.

Thanks everyone for the feedback and suggestions. In the end it seems there's no obvious winner as each term has pros and cons. Something short like "scott" is nice but indeed not very duckduckgoable, and of course you can't even narrow down the search with "scott joplin". And that applies to all music-related terms, which although I like several of them, they will be also hard to use in search engines.

In the end, maybe simpler is better in this case so I'll simply go back to "Joplin Server". @dpoulton makes a good point that it makes it part of an ecosystem, just like the "Joplin Apps", "Joplin Web Clipper" and now "Joplin Server".


Jose - ( JOplin SErver)?

I like jsync. It's short, conveys information, easy to type and search for, and easy to remember.

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Concert is a synonym with Collaborate. Concert also sort of ties in with the theme of music.

Joplin Concert - A dedicated conductor that ties it all together - an application to synchronize your notes and collaborate with others.



Then I suggest a refinement on my earlier idea: Joplin MusicStoreā„¢

I don't know from where the name "Joplin" come from, but for me "Janis" is super for the service name.

I'm late to the game here, and not sure if I'm too late to be any help. I'm also not a developer, so I'm not privy to developer-related issues.

But I don't like "Scott" for this purpose because it is, IMO, too generic. I love the "sync" options for the wordplay, and I think Joplin Concert rocks (pun intended) as an option.