Download the latest pre-releases from here:
- Improved: Improve RTL support in the Markdown editor (#10810 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Include commit information in version information screen (#10829 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Support building for web (#10650 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Support pasting images (#10751) (#9017 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Updated packages @react-native-community/geolocation (v3.2.1), @react-native-community/slider (v4.5.2), glob (v10.3.12), jsdom (v23.2.0), react-native-device-info (v10.13.1), react-native-get-random-values (v1.11.0), react-native-webview (v13.8.4), sharp (v0.33.3), style-to-js (v1.1.12), tar (v6.2.1)
- Improved: Upgrade react-native-webview to 13.8.6 to fix CI (#10761 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix Dropbox sync for certain device languages (#10759) (#10681 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix dayjs-related startup error (#10652 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix math is invisible in certain mermaid diagrams (#10820) (#10785 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix pasting PNG and JPEG images from the clipboard (#10777 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Plugins: Fix incorrect Node exports emulation (#10776 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Remove search bar from plugins screen (#10648) (#10596 by Siddhant Paritosh Rao)
- Fixed: Show notification in case Joplin Cloud credential is not valid anymore (#10649) (#10645 by @pedr)
- Fixed: Fix WebDAV sync on mobile (#10849) (#10848 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Improve RTL support in the Markdown editor (#10810 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Include commit information in version information screen (#10829 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Support building for web (#10650 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Support pasting images (#10751) (#9017 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Updated packages @react-native-community/geolocation (v3.2.1), @react-native-community/slider (v4.5.2), glob (v10.3.12), jsdom (v23.2.0), react-native-device-info (v10.13.1), react-native-get-random-values (v1.11.0), react-native-webview (v13.8.4), sharp (v0.33.3), style-to-js (v1.1.12), tar (v6.2.1)
- Improved: Upgrade react-native-webview to 13.8.6 to fix CI (#10761 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix Dropbox sync for certain device languages (#10759) (#10681 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix dayjs-related startup error (#10652 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix math is invisible in certain mermaid diagrams (#10820) (#10785 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix pasting PNG and JPEG images from the clipboard (#10777 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Plugins: Fix incorrect Node exports emulation (#10776 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Remove search bar from plugins screen (#10648) (#10596 by Siddhant Paritosh Rao)
- Fixed: Show notification in case Joplin Cloud credential is not valid anymore (#10649) (#10645 by @pedr)
- Improved: Added feature flag to disable sync lock support (#10925) (#10407)
- Improved: Make feature flags advanced settings by default (700ffa2)
- Improved: Updated packages (v3.0.10), @js-draw/material-icons (v1.20.2), @react-native-clipboard/clipboard (v1.14.1), @react-native-community/datetimepicker (v8.0.1), @react-native-community/netinfo (v11.3.2), @rollup/plugin-commonjs (v25.0.8), async-mutex (v0.5.0), dayjs (v1.11.11), glob (v10.3.16), react, react-native-device-info (v10.13.2), react-native-safe-area-context (v4.10.3), react-native-webview (v13.8.7), react-native-zip-archive (v6.1.2), sass (v1.76.0), sharp (v0.33.4)
- Fixed: Fix "Enable auto-updates" enabled by default and visible on unsupported platforms (#10897) (#10896 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix BMP image rendering in the Markdown viewer (#10915) (#10914 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix crash on opening settings on old versions of Android (#10793 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix toolbar overflow menu is invisible (#10871) (#10867 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fixed italic support in Fountain documents (5fdd088)
- Fixed: Markdown editor: Fix toggling bulleted lists when items start with asterisks (#10902) (#10891 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Automatically detect and use operating system theme by default (5beb80b)
- Improved: Make pressing "back" navigate to the previous note after following a link (#11086) (#11082 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Scroll dropdown to selected value when first opened (#11091 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Show loading indicator while loading search results (#11104 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Support permanent note deletion on mobile (#10786) (#10763 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Updated packages @js-draw/material-icons (v1.20.3), @react-native/babel-preset (v0.74.84), @react-native/metro-config (v0.74.84), @rollup/plugin-replace (v5.0.7), glob (v10.4.2), js-draw (v1.20.3), jsdom (v24.1.0), markdown-it-ins (v4), markdown-it-sup (v2), react-native-device-info (v10.14.0), react-native-document-picker (v9.2.0), react-native-localize (v3.1.0), react-native-safe-area-context (v4.10.5), react-native-share (v10.2.1), react-native-webview (v13.10.4), sass (v1.77.6), tesseract.js (v5.1.0), turndown (v7.2.0)
- Improved: Upgrade CodeMirror packages (#11034 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Improved: Use fade animation for edit link dialog (#11090 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Accessibility: Fix sidebar broken in right-to-left mode, improve screen reader accessibility (#11056) (#11028 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Decrypt master keys only as needed (#10990) (#10856 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Delete revisions on the sync target when deleted locally (#11035) (#11017 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Drawing: Fix clicking "cancel" after starting a new drawing in editing mode creates an empty resource (#10986 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix scroll issues and incorrect main content height (#11071 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Fix unable to change incorrect decryption password if the same as the master password (#11026 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Improve performance when there are many selected items (#11067) (#11065 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: Move accessibility focus to the first note action menu item on open (#11031) (#10253 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
- Fixed: WebDAV synchronisation not working because of URL encoding differences (#11076) (#10608 by @pedr)